Westland Storage

You may have noticed that Westland Storage is getting a lot of hype and attention these days.
You might have had some friends in Network Marketing approach you about Westland Storage, or you may have seen it on social media.
I want to let you know, first of all, that I am NOT promoting Westland Storage as my own business opportunity. I am not an affiliate or distributor.
I have gathered here all the facts about Westland Storage in my Westland Storage Review – now you can learn all you need to know about it.
Is Westland Storage really a legit business?
Is Westland Storage a safe business to join?
Let me show you in my review of Westland Storage.
Get started by reading my review below.

Exactly what is westland storage

Westland Storage is one of the latest MLM entities to make an impression on my radar, and looking at the company’s official website, you won’t find anything in the way of background info.
There isn’t any mention or listing of when Westland Storage was founded, who’s running the company, or where in the world it’s based out of. Thanks to all this, Westland Storage ends up feeling incredibly faceless.
The domain name for the website (westlandstorage.com) was initially registered all the way back in 2005, but it was recently updated on May 9, 2018. This is likely when the current owner took charge of the domain, but because of the private nature, it’s impossible to see who this is or where the registration update took place.
Using the Wayback Machine, however, I can confirm that the current iteration of Westland Storage’s website first went live on April 27 of this year. Before that date, the site was used to promote a storage company somewhere in Michigan.
Furthermore, this info from the Wayback Machine lines up with Alexa rankings showing that traffic to the domain started going up quite a bit this May.
Even though it’s pretty obvious that Westland Storage (the MLM opportunity) has only been in existence for about a month, the website still claims that it has more than 8000 investors and has generated over $33.5 million in its annual profit.
The site also reveals that Westland Storage LTD was incorporated in the United Kingdom on February 1, 2018, but considering how cheap and easy it is to create a UK incorporation, it’s highly unlikely that this is actually where Westland Storage is based out of.

What is Westland Storage Product line?

Moving over to the product line side of things, Westland Storage disappoints here, too.
You won’t find any goods or services being sold to retail customers, and thanks to this, there’s no way for retail sales activity to exist.

This leaves Westland Storage affiliates with only the affiliate membership to offer to those looking to join, and the main draw to this is the bundled income opportunity.

What Will It Cost To Join Westland Storage

If you’d like to join Westland Storage for yourself, you’ll need to invest at least $10. However, choosing to invest more will increase your earning potential with the ROI.
In regards to payments, Westland Storage supports Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dash, Ethereum, Ripple, and Bitcoin Cash.

please click this link below and register for free earning 
